Mondrian Dartboard
Inspired by the work of Yoko Ono and the Dada artist(Duchamp,Man Ray,etc.)’s work, I came to the idea of “destory” and “anti” artwork as an artwork that they are usually considerd so sacred that nobody is allowed to touch it.
Most people just spend a lot of money buying a piece of art work that they don’t even understand what it means and hand the picture on the wall, watching it, “enjoy it” and that’s all. Boo. Do something!
What if you don’t think an artwork is a piece of art or what if you don’t believe in it? Change the way it exist! Change the way it supposed to be used!
So I looked at famous artworks and think about what should it be if it is no more an artwork. And I found that Mondrian’s work was so appropriate to be a dartboard! And who says a dartboard should be rounded?
First I thought it will be awesome to create a digital board that can shows different “maps” of the board and sense the digital dart when it hit on the surface . But since it required really high tech skills, I decided to combine digital and analog material together.
I started my programming process and bought a firm board at OfficeDepot, ordered a set of darts online and assembled them together. Super easy and fast! Now you know how easy it is to “do appropriations”! As quick as Duchamp made La Fntaine.
The gametule was basicially learned from 301 dart and it was transformed into 480 dart. The players need to hit the target color to refuce the points. Whoever goes to zero point first will be the winner.
For some color it is easy to hit but some are really hard, so it still requires skills and challenge for players to overcome. (The one below is gonna to be a nightmare.)
I added background music as “Boogie Woogie” because Mondrian loved that music and he was listening to that and created some of his pictures. It will very hilarious that we are hearing the same music while destorying his artwork.
Here are the rules:
1.both teams have 480 points when the game starts.
2.red team goes first.
3. each team has 3 turns each round.
4. the players should try to hit a “target” color to reduce his score. Who goes to zero points with less darts will win.
5. either team goes to 0, the game will end when this round is over.
I playtested it with ID students in their studio. When I told them they are going to shoot the board, they were not excited at all. But after I explained the rules they really wanted to play. They said if there is no rules, the game is goalless, but when there is a target to hit, it becomes challenging.